
This resource page gives you immediate, free access to a few of our tools that can help you improve daily self-care and function. Below are:

  • links to a variety of pre-recorded guided mindfulness meditations, also available on Dr. Carris’ YouTube channel
  • downloadable resources – a small sampling of what is available from the online courses we offer

Check out our online courses for evidence-based approaches to managing persistent pain and stress. Then, sign up to get unstuck and take charge of your life.

Guided Meditations

These pre-recorded guided meditations can be used to build and strengthen your meditation practice. The meditations presented here will vary, so I encourage you to lean into whatever is presented. Your practice is to allow whatever occurs with curiosity and interest, no judgment or analysis. Attempt to relax into it and practice loving-kindness towards yourself and your experience. Trust in your capacity to just Be. Here. Now.

NOTE: As always, I encourage you to trust your needs, even if they differ from my guidance. If you feel agitated, upset, or physically uncomfortable during the practice, you may attempt to sit with your experience for a bit, to see if it shifts in a way that is comfortable enough to continue. If that does not work, you may try turning your attention to something less intense (e.g., another part of your body or a sound in the room) and then try to come back into the meditation, OR you may find that it is best for you to discontinue altogether. Whatever is okay. Every meditation and every time you do it will be a different experience. Refrain from judgment, just bring openness, patience, acceptance, and self-compassion to the practice. Over and over again.

Mini-Mindfulness Series with Dr. Carris - Being with Thoughts #1

Downloadable Resources

The Autonomic Nervous System and Window of Tolerance

Practice Better Sleep Hygiene

How to Master Diaphragmatic Breathing

sun shining through a forest

"After my first class I slept better than I ever remember doing so before! …guidance was spot on and immediately useful."

Kelly Weeks

"As a public school teacher (during a pandemic), I have used tools learned in Dr. Carris' mindfulness class to help manage my life."


“Practicing meditation and mindfulness has transformed and continues to transform my life…now I can't imagine my life without these practices…highly recommend”

Rachel Philliou, public school teacher

“…opened my eyes to a variety of ways to manage stress through meditation, mindfulness and movement…I would take it again in a heartbeat.”

Carrie Bollinger, Principal

“easy to tell right away the amount of time and energy Missy puts into her own mindfulness as well as the classes she teaches… it has truly transformed my perspective on life and how I approach it.”

Cassidy P. Klements, Teacher

Ready for Relief?

No-one should have to go through life believing they have no control over their pain or stress.

It’s time to get unstuck and find relief.